Parsons Teaching & Learning Recordings
Remote Teaching Webinars and Resources from Parsons Teaching and Learning Week, March 2020
- Online Quick Tips, Anette Millington
- Canvas Homepage as Homeroom, John Roach
- Interactive Seminar Tips, Anya Kurennaya
- Asynchronous Critique, Ken Millington
- Teaching Materials Step by Step, Weenie Huang
- Teaching Resilience, Bryan Melillo
- Quick Tips: Moving Studio Courses Online, Anette Millington and John Roach
- And more
Recordings from Parsons Curriculum Day, May 2020
- Classroom Community and Student Engagement, Shana Agid, Caroline Dionne, and Caitlin Morgan
- Teaching with Technology at Scale, Sven Travis
- Using Asynchronous Tools for All Kinds of Sharing, Matt Whitman
- Building Rapport Online, Johannah Herr
- Creating Dynamic and Interactive Experience in the (online) Classroom, Rhea Alexander & Lara Penin
- Keeping the Human Connection, Mariana Gonzalez Ruiz Velasco